The Romanians at VOLT EVSE Distribution have expanded from EV charging stations to rooftop PV parks

Adrian Sacuiu, Octavian Rosca - VOLT EVSE Distribution Sursa foto: Volt EVSE

VOLT EVSE Distribution, founded by entrepreneurs Adrian Săcuiu and Octavian Roșca, was initially created with the aim of expanding the local infrastructure of electric charging station networks, but the founders of the business soon understood the need for the development of renewable energy sources. And the company began to implement rooftop photovoltaic parks.

Software engineer Adrian Săcuiu set up VOLT EVSE Distribution in 2016 and in just a few years, more than 100 customers have accessed the company’s services, privately implementing electric charging stations. VOLT quickly attracted the attention of the best-known manufacturer of charging stations, and soon became an official EVBox partner in Romania.

Subsequently, the company was joined by the energy engineer Octavian Rosca. In 2020, the two decided to supplement the company’s line of business with renewable energy production and in about a year, the company attracted 8 MWp projects, and is now implementing one of the largest rooftop PV parks in the country, with an installed capacity of 5.1 MWp, for a private company in the Cluj area.

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The first 1.8 MWp of the project started in August 2021 is due to be handed over this month, with the second phase of the 3.3 MWp park due to become operational in the middle of next year.

Electric Up, 40 applications accepted under the program

The Ministry of Energy recently published the final list of applications for the first phase of the Electric Up Program, with VOLT reporting a 100% return, with all 40 applications submitted being accepted. Through Electric Up projects alone, VOLT EVSE Distribution will deliver PV systems of more than 2.5 MWp for its partners during 2022.

“We believe in sustainable development, regardless of the segment, from professional to personal. It is very hard to educate a market in transition, especially when monopoly entities tend to be driven by commercial objectives, sometimes losing sight of the full benefits this change can bring to both the customer and society. A sustainable transition can only take place with the contribution of the whole market. The SME segment represents an important part of the Romanian economy. The transition of these entities to prosumer status brings major benefits on both sides – both at the macro level, from a socio-economic point of view, but especially at the micro level, as companies achieve two notable objectives: reducing their internal electricity costs as well as their own carbon footprint on the ground”, said Adrian Săcuiu.

5.1 MWp park under construction in Cluj

In addition, this month the company will turnkey a 1.8 MWp rooftop photovoltaic system for one of its customers.

“The first phase is due to be launched these days, with the entire 5.1MWp park to become operational next summer. It is the first park of this size to benefit from one of the most advanced technologies, with 540 Wp panels. Photovoltaic systems have an extremely high potential and are among the most efficient energy production options, both in terms of yield and payback period. At an average production capacity, 1 MWp built can be amortized in about six years”, Octavian Roșca, Managing Partner VOLT.

The company aims to double its project portfolio and the number of approved projects in the next phase of the Electric Up Program next year.

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